5 Things You Didn’t Know About Getting Rid of Fleas From Your Pet

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Getting Rid of Fleas From Your Pet

There can be little doubt that fleas are one of the biggest annoyances and problems that pet owners face. These bugs love to make the fur of your beloved pet into their home, and they can do more harm than simply causing scratching and irritation. Fleas can transmit harmful diseases and parasites, so getting rid of them when your pets have them is essential. The problem is the fact that this is easier said than done. It can be quite a task to effectively get rid of all fleas. With this point in mind, these are five things you didn’t know about effectively getting rid of fleas from your pet.

Why Is It Such a Difficult Task to Get Rid of Fleas?

One of the things you might be wondering the most about getting rid of fleas is why it is so difficult. To put it quite simply, fleas are an extremely persistent pest. The reality is that pet owners often think that they have gotten rid of all of the fleas only to find new ones popping up seemingly out of nowhere. This is because it is necessary to effectively address all life cycles of the flea in order to fully get rid of these invasive pests on your pet. Knowing how to do this is an essential aspect of successful flea removal.

A Look at the Breakdown of Flea Population on Your Pet

It can be helpful to understand what percentage of the overall flea population on your pet is constituted by the various life stages of these pests. The reality is that fully grown adult fleas only make up around 5 percent of the overall population that is infesting your pet. The rest of the flea population is made up of pupae and larvae, as well as unhatched eggs. Given the fact that the eggs make up about 50 percent of the overall flea infestation, it is easy to see why you may be having trouble getting rid of all of them without new ones appearing.

Why Flea Treatment and Management is Important for Your Pet - Naples Coastal Animal Hospital

It Is Important to Get Flea Preventatives From Your Vet

It is important to seek out the guidance of your leading Strawberry Hill pet care experts like Petfolk when tackling a flea issue with your pet. Your vet can prescribe preventatives that will make a big difference in keeping your pet free of fleas in the future.

These Signs Indicate a Need for Your Pet to See the Vet

As previously noted, fleas are a problem for your pet beyond the fact that they cause itching and irritation. They can also be the cause of diseases that can harm the long-term health of your pet. There are some key signs that you should be aware of that indicate that your pet could have become ill from a flea infestation. They will need to see a vet if you notice signs such as a sudden loss of weight, pale gums, the presence of tapeworms, and behavior such as scooting across the floor. If your pet is lethargic, this is also a reason to quickly get them seen by your vet.

Consistent Combing Is Essential

Consistently combing the fleas out of your pet’s fur with a fine-tooth comb is one of the most important aspects of the overall process. These combs allow you to effectively get all of the eggs out of the fur of your pet. This way, you will have future fleas seemingly popping up out of nowhere. It is one of the longest parts of the overall flea removal process but being diligent about combing your pet with a fine-tooth comb is absolutely essential when it comes to dealing with these pests.

These points illustrate some of the most important things that you need to know about getting rid of fleas from your pet. You may not have previously known these things, and it could have been a prime contributor to the difficulty that you were having in getting rid of these pests. Keeping these 5 points in mind will help you to finally rid your pet of fleas, and you will know what to do if a future infestation occurs.

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